I'm not dreaming at night, I'm dreaming all day. I'm dreaming for a living

The Cadenzza

you''ll say it to if you see this girl
so beautiful girl, fashionable with good brain and of course nice voice
wow I really like to see her
her style, her brain, her nice voice with good face really really make the other girl (like me of course) SO ENVY
I'll share you her pict in this post

so beautiful right? oya, the last pict is her photo with her sister
her sister RAINA NAJIB is a cute girl

oya td saya ada blg kan kalau dia juga vokalis sebuah band yang sdh ternama di jogja (The Cadenzza)
please check it for more information about the cadenzza


and please check this http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=434154579246

or you can check it more >>> http://www.facebook.com/LuiseNajib

I think just it I wanna share with you for today
see you at the next post
keep loving me :3

postingan ambur rawut

hey readers
entah apa yg membuat saya ingin menulis post ini walaupun saya gag punya topik yang menarik hahahaha
beginilah jadi anak perantauan pemula msh belum bsa kmana2 blum bsa berfoto ria di tempat asyi blum bsa berkuliner bisanya cuman melong di rmh seharian nongkrongin tv berwarna yg makin lama makin ndak jelas krna penuh iklan iklan perusak suasana ketika sdg asyik menonton film yg juga sebenarnya sama sekali tdk menarik  -halah
hampir seminggu sdh saya resmi menjadi anak perantauan huhuhu rasanya sperti permen asem manis dah ada enaknya ada endaknya
kalo enaknya yaa bbas lah lepas dr aturan orang tua yg mewajibkan saya jadi babu slama liburan d rmh mulai dari masak nyuci gosok nyapu ngepel ahhh uda bener2 jdi ibu2 rmh tangga deh
ndak enaknya yaa bnyk pertama msalah ekonomi huhuhu sangu terbatas mennn yg kedua ya harus mandiri hik hik
but let me start all of it with a smile hahaha
uda deh lgi males nulis nih mau nonton tipi aja hahaha

see you at the next post
keep loving me

I'm a new student college

welcome back
sorry for late update cause so many activity I must did
by the way, I'm in semarang now
my new city, new status, new home, and new style
but I love it here
many places I can visit
but sorry for no thing photo I took cause nothing camera

and do you know? I'll be a new student college
WOW it surprises me every time I remember it
I felt that just yesterday my mom delivered me to my elementary school
oh that makes me so miss the moment I could played slept ate shopping with my fam
just a few hours ago you left me but it feels like so long time ago
ok forget it I'm sure I can be my self I can stay alive without my fam beside me

by the way, yesterday I went to some places here by bus, and I seated with an Japanese girl
she was so beautiful with a nice glasses
she went with her boyf, and oh gosh I amazed with his english so wonderful
so many moment I got

what my battery low
see you at the next post
keep loving me :3